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Ways We

Give Back

At Southside Sudo, giving back is at the core of our values. We believe in making a positive impact in the world by supporting causes that are close to our hearts. With a strong focus on the development of South Sudan and addressing issues like homelessness, hunger, lack of clothing, drinking water, and medical support, we are committed to creating meaningful change.

The following are examples of organizations that we support and align with what we stand for. By supporting these nonprofits and charitable organizations, we aim to uplift communities, improve living conditions, and provide essential resources to those in need.

501(c)(3) nonprofit

Sudan Relief Fund

The Sudan Relief Fund is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing aid and support to the people of South Sudan. Their primary objective is to alleviate the suffering and meet the urgent needs of the affected communities. The organization focuses on various areas of assistance, including the provision of essential resources such as food, safe drinking water, clothing, shelter, and medical attention. They also place a significant emphasis on education, aiming to provide educational opportunities to those who have been deprived of it due to conflicts and other challenges.

Moreover, the Sudan Relief Fund works tirelessly to offer hope and a brighter future for the people of South Sudan. They actively engage in initiatives that address the aftermath of devastating events, including the effects of genocide and violence. By supporting and partnering with local organizations, the Sudan Relief Fund aims to empower the South Sudanese people, improve their living conditions, and promote sustainable development.

Through their commitment and efforts, the Sudan Relief Fund strives to make a positive and lasting impact on the lives of the South Sudanese population, bringing them much-needed assistance, relief, and a renewed sense of hope.

501(c)(3) nonprofit

Helping Hands FOR South Sudan

Helping Hands for South Sudan is a non-profit organization dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of the people in South Sudan. Their mission is to provide assistance and support to the communities in need. Through their various initiatives, they strive to address essential needs such as access to education, healthcare, clean water, and sustainable development.

The organization focuses on building schools, training teachers, supplying educational materials, and creating safe learning environments for children. Additionally, they work towards improving healthcare facilities, offering medical services, and promoting hygiene practices to enhance the overall well-being of the population. By lending a helping hand, this organization aims to uplift individuals and empower communities, fostering a brighter future for South Sudan.

Charitable Organization

water for south sudan

Water for South Sudan is a charitable organization that is dedicated to addressing the water crisis in South Sudan. Their primary focus is on providing clean and accessible water to communities in need. The organization recognizes that access to safe water is a fundamental human right and plays a crucial role in improving health, sanitation, and overall quality of life.

Water for South Sudan achieves its mission by drilling wells and installing water pumps in areas that lack reliable water sources. These wells provide clean and sustainable water to communities, ensuring that people no longer have to walk long distances or rely on contaminated water sources. By implementing these water projects, the organization helps prevent waterborne diseases, reduces the burden on women and children who often bear the responsibility of collecting water, and creates opportunities for education and economic development.

In addition to drilling wells, Water for South Sudan also focuses on educating communities about hygiene practices and water management. They empower local individuals through training and employment opportunities, ensuring that the projects are sustainable and benefit the communities in the long term.

Water for South Sudan's work is essential in transforming lives and communities by providing a basic necessity that is often taken for granted. Their efforts bring clean water, improved health, and a brighter future to the people of South Sudan.

Your Purchases Help too

But our commitment to giving back doesn't stop there. We strive to engage our customers in our philanthropic efforts as well. When making a purchase, you’ll have the option to contribute through your checkout process. 100% of these donations are distributed among the organizations we support. We also actively promote these nonprofits and encourage you to donate directly through our Instagram page, providing you with a convenient platform to make a difference.

We firmly believe that by combining our financial contributions, customer involvement, and raising awareness through our social media channels, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of those affected by various challenges in South Sudan and beyond. We invite everyone to join us in our mission to create positive change and contribute towards a better future for all of South Sudan